The Short-Range Transit Plan (SRTP) is a plan that helps guide Redwood Coast Transit Authority (RCTA) for the next five years. The plan is in two parts. The first part looks at how things are right now, including the transit system, how people are involved, and what they think. The second part will use this information to make a new plan for the next five years, focusing on improving services, managing resources, and promoting the transit system. Right now, the team is working on the first part.
Plan Overview
The plan will look at how people use transportation in the area, any safety issues, and ways to make connections better for people in the county. Community members will be asked to help out and share their thoughts during the planning process. Your input is important, and you can participate through social media, email updates, public meetings, and surveys. The team will also look at how well the current transit services are working to find out which routes are popular and which ones are not. They will also create a financial plan to figure out how much everything will cost and where the money will come from over the next five years.
How to Get Involved
SRTP Tech Memo #1 – Existing Conditions – November 25, 2024 (.pdf)